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Mac Magazin and MacEasy Magazine CD - Issue 02.iso
Alpha.5.81 folder
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528 lines
# MacPerl.tcl
# This is a set of routines that allow Alpha to act as a front end for the
# standalone MacPerl application and that allows Perl scripts to be used as
# text filters in Alpha.
# !!! This package requires Alpha version 5.75 or higher !!!
# Features:
# A Perl menu is created that allows the following actions:
# 1. Selected text (or the entire buffer) may be interpreted as a Perl
# script by MacPerl.
# 2. A selected Perl script file may be executed by MacPerl.
# 3. Perl scripts that read from standard input and write to standard
# output my be used as text filters within Alpha.
# A submenu of "preattached" Perl scripts is constructed from the
# contents of a "Text Filters" folder within the main MacPerl folder.
# This folder will be created if it doesn't already exist.
# Besides the "preattached" filters, a disk file or an Alpha buffer
# which contains a Perl script may be chosen as the text filter.
# (The latter option allows simple one-time scripts to be created and
# applied on the fly. This can be very useful because, even
# with the overhead to start up MacPerl, large-scale global search-
# and-replace operations (hundreds of replaces) are substantially faster
# in MacPerl than in Alpha.)
# The output of Perl text filters may be chosen to overwrite the
# selected Alpha text or else written into a new window. (Everything
# is undoable, in any case).
# The filter may be applied either to the currently selected text
# or to the entire buffer.
# 4. The temporary i/o files used by the text filter mechanism may be
# examined.
# 5. The Perl menu may be rebuilt, in case files are added or removed
# from the "Text Filters" folder.
# Installation:
# This file must be placed in the folder where you keep local Tcl
# procedures. The following lines should be added to your
# 'userStartup.tcl' file (in the Alpha home directory), with the
# appropriate path names for your own system.
# set macperlPath "Macintosh HD:Programming:MacPerl ƒ:MacPerl"
# source ":Tcl:Local:MacPerl.tcl"
# A sampling of useful :-) Perl scripts are included in the folder "Text Filters".
# You should drag this folder into your MacPerl folder, where MacPerl.tcl will
# look for it. The "Text Munging" scripts are largely from the Nutshell book
# ("Programming Perl") and the s2p script is my adaptation of the standard script
# that converts Unix "sed" scripts to Perl. The others may be useful examples,
# as well.
# ...........................................................................
# If you don't already have MacPerl, it's available by anonymous ftp from
# a number of sites, of which the most accessible seem to be
# grind.isca.uiowa.edu []
# mac/umich/development/languages/macperl4.12.sit
# nic.switch.ch [] software/mac/perl/Mac_Perl_412_appl.sit.bin
# Authors: W. Thomas Pollard (pollard@cucbs.chem.columbia.edu)
# Martijn Koster (m.koster@nexor.co.uk)
# Version History:
# 0.7 3/94 WTP - nested Text Filters folder now supported
# menu format modified somewhat
# 0.6 3/94 WTP - 'applyToBuffer' flag added
# scripts in Alpha buffers can now be used as filters
# 0.5 2/94 WTP - 'filters', 'open special' submenu added
# 'overwrite' flag added
# 0.2 1/94 MK - menu support added
# 'execute selection', 'execute buffer' commands added
# 0.1 9/93 WTP - text filter functionality created
global perlMenu macperlPath perlOverwrite perlUsebuffer
set perlOverwrite 1
set perlUsebuffer 1
# Return paths to standard files, based on the path to MacPerl:
# (This should make it easier to move MacPerl, install new versions,
# etc., without breaking the scripts.
proc macperlFolder {} {
global macperlPath
regexp {(.*):([^:]*)} $macperlPath pathname dirname filename
return ${dirname}:
proc stdinPath {} {
return [macperlFolder]STDIN
proc stdoutPath {} {
return [macperlFolder]STDOUT
proc scriptPath {} {
return [macperlFolder]SCRIPT
proc scriptFolder {} {
return "[macperlFolder]Text Filters:"
# Set the "overwrite" flag. If true, then the output of a Perl filter
# is inserted in place of the originally selected text. Otherwise, it is
# placed in a new window. The names of the routines reflect the condition
# of the flag _before_ the routine is called, so that the menu makes more
# sense.
proc •OverwriteSelection {} {
global perlOverwrite
set perlOverwrite 0
proc •Don\'tOverwriteSelection {} {
global perlOverwrite
set perlOverwrite 1
# Set the "usebuffer" flag. If true, then the Perl filter is applied to
# the entire buffer. Otherwise, only the selected text is filtered.
proc •ApplyToBuffer {} {
global perlUsebuffer
set perlUsebuffer 0
proc •ApplyToSelection {} {
global perlUsebuffer
set perlUsebuffer 1
# This is a generally useful proc that builds a hierarchical menu
# from the files in a given folder and all subfolders. As the menu is
# built, the pathnames of the various files are saved in the array
# indicated by $filePaths. The index of the file's path in this array
# is formed by concatenating the submenu name and filename, allowing the
# pathname to be retrieved by the procedure $proc when the menu item is
# selected.
proc buildSubMenu {folder name proc filePaths} {
global $filePaths
if {$name == 0} {
set name [file tail [file dirname $folder]]
if {$proc == 0} {
set pproc ""
} else {
set pproc "-p $proc"
set menu {}
set filenames [glob -nocomplain $folder\*]
if {[llength $filenames] > 0} {
foreach m $filenames {
if {[file isdirectory $m]} {
lappend menu [buildSubMenu ${m}: 0 $proc $filePaths]
} elseif {[file isfile $m]} {
set fname [file tail $m]
lappend menu $fname
set ${filePaths}($name:$fname) $m
return [concat {menu -m -n} [list $name] $pproc [list $menu]]
# Build a submenu of "preattached" Perl filters using the names of the
# scripts in the Text Filters directory
proc perlFilterMenu {} {
global perlFilterPath HOME
set scriptDir [scriptFolder]
if {![file exists $scriptDir]} {
cpdir "$HOME:Tcl:UserCode:Text Filters" [macperlFolder]
alertnote "Created \"[macperlFolder]Text Filters\" folder."
return [buildSubMenu $scriptDir TextFilters perlExecuteFilter perlFilterPath]
proc rebuildPerlMenu {} {
global perlMenu perlOverwrite perlUsebuffer
if {$perlOverwrite} {
set overwriteItem •OverwriteSelection
} else {
set overwriteItem •Don\'tOverwriteSelection
if {$perlUsebuffer} {
set usebufferItem •ApplyToBuffer
} else {
set usebufferItem •ApplyToSelection
menu -n $perlMenu [ concat {
} [list [perlFilterMenu]] {
{menu -n OtherTextFilters {
} $overwriteItem {
} $usebufferItem {
{menu -m -n openSpecial -p perlOpenFile {
} ]
removeMenu $perlMenu
insertMenu $perlMenu
# Switch to MacPerl:
proc macperl {} {
global macperlPath
set name [checkRunning MacPerl McPL macperlPath]
if {[string length $name]} {
switchTo "MacPerl"
} else {
alertnote "Couldn't run MacPerl"
proc perlOpenFile {menu name} {
set filename [macperlFolder]$name
if {[file exists $filename]} {
edit $filename
} else {
alertnote "That file doesn't exist yet"
# Get a script file to run under MacPerl:
proc runAFile {} {
if {! [catch {getfile "Select a Perl script:"} path]} {
perlExecuteFile $path
# Tell MacPerl to run a script file:
proc ExecuteFile {path} {
global macperlPath
if {[string length $path]} {
set name [checkRunning MacPerl McPL macperlPath]
if {[string length $name]} {
dosc -c 'McPL' -r -f $path
switchTo "MacPerl"
} else {
alertnote "Couldn't run MacPerl"
} else {
alertnote "No file specified to execute"
# Run the buffer as a MacPerl script:
proc runTheBuffer {} {
perlExecuteScript [getText 0 [maxPos]]
# Run the selection as a MacPerl script:
# (No special arrangements are made to provide input or capture the output)
proc runTheSelection {} {
perlExecuteScript [getSelect]
# Run a MacPerl script file.
# (No special arrangements are made to provide input or capture the output)
proc perlExecuteFile {fname} {
set fd [open $fname "r"]
perlExecuteScript [read $fd]
close $fd
# Run a MacPerl script, passed explicitly as a string:
# (No special arrangements are made to provide input or capture the output)
proc perlExecuteScript {script} {
global macperlPath
if {$script != ""} {
set name [checkRunning MacPerl McPL macperlPath]
if {[string length $name]} {
dosc -c 'McPL' -r -s $script
switchTo "MacPerl"
} else {
alertnote "Couldn't run MacPerl"
} else {
alertnote "Empty script"
# Run a Perl script filter selected from the menu:
proc perlExecuteFilter {menu name} {
global perlFilterPath
set path $perlFilterPath($menu:$name)
# set path [scriptFolder]$name
set coreScript [readFile $path]
if {$coreScript != -1} {
set script [wrapFilterScript $coreScript]
filterThruMacperl $script
} else {
alertnote "Couldn't read the script file : $path"
# Ask for a file containing a Perl script to use as a filter:
proc selectAFile {} {
if {! [catch {getfile "Select a MacPerl script"} path]} {
set coreScript [readFile $path]
if {$coreScript != -1} {
set script [wrapFilterScript $coreScript]
filterThruMacperl $script
} else {
alertnote "Couldn't read the script file : $path"
# Ask for an Alpha buffer containing a Perl script to use as a filter:
proc selectABuffer {} {
set windows [winNames]
if {[llength $windows] > 1} {
set current [lindex $windows 0]
set name [listpick [lsort $windows]]
if {[string length $name]} {
bringToFront $name
set coreScript [getText 0 [maxPos]]
if {[string length $coreScript]} {
set script [wrapFilterScript $coreScript]
bringToFront $current
filterThruMacperl $script
} else {
bringToFront $current
# Filter selection through a Perl script:
# bugs: If the script contains an existing !/bin/perl line, then it
# should be removed, or preferably used instead of my own new line.
proc filterThruMacperl {script} {
global macperlPath perlOverwrite perlUsebuffer
set name [checkRunning MacPerl McPL macperlPath]
if {[string length $name]} {
dosc -c 'McPL' -t 0 -s $script
} else {
alertnote "Couldn't run MacPerl"
if {!$perlOverwrite} new
if {$perlUsebuffer} {
pasteStdout 0 [maxPos]
} else {
pasteStdout [getPos] [selEnd]
# Take a Perl script and add commands to take the file STDIN as standard
# input and STDOUT as standard output. This allows scripts written as
# Unix command-line filters to be used in the (non-MPW) Mac environment as
# text filters.
proc wrapFilterScript {coreScript} {
set filterHead "#!/usr/bin/perl\n"
append filterHead "\$macperlDir = \"[macperlFolder]\" ;\n"
append filterHead "open(STDIN, \"<[stdinPath]\" ) ;\n"
append filterHead "open(STDOUT, \">[stdoutPath]\" ) ;\n"
append filterHead "@ARGV = (\"[stdinPath]\") ;\n"
append filterHead "select(STDOUT) ;\n\n"
set filterTail "close STDIN ;\nclose STDOUT ;\n"
set script $filterHead
append script $coreScript
append script $filterTail
writeScript $script
return $script
# Paste the text of the file STDOUT in place of the current selection.
proc pasteStdout {from to} {
set result [readFile [stdoutPath]]
if {$result != -1} {
deleteText $from $to
insertText $result
goto 0
} else {
alertnote "Couldn't find the output file : STDOUT"
# replaceText [getPos] [selEnd] $result
# Extend the current selection to encompass complete lines.
proc completeSelection {} {
global perlUsebuffer
if {$perlUsebuffer} {
set start 0
set end [maxPos]
} else {
set start [lineStart [getPos]]
set end [nextLineStart [expr [selEnd]-1]]
if {$end == $start} {set end [nextLineStart [selEnd]]}
select $start $end
proc writeStdin {} {
set tmpfid [open [stdinPath] "w+"]
puts $tmpfid [getSelect]
close $tmpfid
proc writeStdout {} {
set tmpfid [open [stdoutPath] "w+"]
puts $tmpfid [getSelect]
close $tmpfid
proc writeScript {script} {
set tmpfid [open [scriptPath] "w+"]
puts $tmpfid $script
close $tmpfid
proc readFile {fileName} {
if {[file exists $fileName] && [file readable $fileName]} {
set fileid [open $fileName "r"]
set contents ""
while {[gets $fileid nextLine] != -1} {
append contents $nextLine "\n"
close $fileid
return $contents
} else {
return -1